Feedback from our customers :
"These are the best training videos I've seen for Windows
XP!" - Jeff Levy, KNX1070 News Radio.
"Very cool product. One of a kind. I wish all training videos
were presented this way." - Troy, San Jose California.
"I bought Video Professor (for windows) and almost fell asleep
watching it. Bikini Classroom for Windows XP teaches practically
the same stuff at a fraction of the price without putting you to
sleep. In fact, I was actually looking forward to seeing the next
chapter because I wanted to see who the next teacher was."
- Andy, Sacramento California
"Neat stuff." - Randy, Montgomery Alabama.
"My Dad loved it." - Gregg, Tacoma Washington.
"Cheesy, campy, and fun. Looking forward to upcoming titles."
- Steve, Portland Maine.
"The way it's designed makes you want to get to the next chapter
which makes you learn quicker. Smart product." - John, Santa
Fe New Mexico.
"This product blows away Video Professor. When's the next one?"
- Chris, Seattle Washington
"I ordered it as a gift for my father and he absolutely loved
it! Brilliant product! Quick shipping too!" - Sabrina, London
United Kingdom